Eating Disorders

Each person is treated individually and no one is ever locked in to any preset treatment plan. Email and phone contact is strongly encouraged between sessions for accountability and support.

Each person is treated individually and no one is ever locked in to any preset treatment plan. Email and phone contact is strongly encouraged between sessions for accountability and support.

Anorexia, bulimia, and compulsive overeating are serious and complex medical issues requiring a trained nutrition therapy professional. As a specialist in the treatment of eating disorders for over 20 years, I have a gentle and supportive approach, which takes into account each patient’s readiness to change. My goal is to assess current status in terms of medical stability, eating behavior, thoughts about food, weight, and body image, and to help the patient move towards normalizing food intake and behavior at a realistic pace. Eating disordered patients are required to be in psychotherapy, and I frequently exchange referrals with local psychotherapists who work together as a team to maximize treatment effectiveness.

I will provide needed direction for family members around food and food behavior of loved ones. Compassion and understanding of eating disorders as an illness is encouraged. Patients with eating disorders are usually seen on a weekly basis as therapy is intense work requiring frequent reinforcement for maximum behavior change.